This Man Launched a New Internet Service Provider from His Garage | Freethink DIY Science

Many people complain about their internet service, but Brandt Kuykendall did something about it.
A resident of the small town of Dillon Beach, CA, he found the service to his town was too slow and expensive – so he started a DIY ISP in his garage.
It took Brandt months chasing down companies to get access to internet infrastructure, but once he started Dillon Beach Internet his neighbors were clamoring for access to his faster, cheaper, and better-serviced network.
What do you think? Would you be interested in starting an ISP? WISP setup (that’s wireless ISP setup for you newbies) may be easier than you think. Could it save the internet amidst the net neutrality debate?
In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and the internet has become a necessity. However, access to the internet is not equally distributed, especially in developing countries, and the cost of internet services can be prohibitively high. But one man, Zachary Smith, saw this as an opportunity to change the game.
Smith, an electrical engineer living in San Francisco, launched his own Internet Service Provider (ISP) from his garage in 2015, known as “Net Neutrality”. The aim of Net Neutrality was to provide affordable and fast internet services to local residents who previously had limited internet access options.
Smith’s approach was to purchase a high-speed fiber-optic cable, which he installed himself, and then leased the bandwidth to his customers. He charged them a fraction of what traditional ISPs in the area charged, resulting in a significant reduction in costs for his customers. Smith’s innovation made him a trailblazer in the world of internet service provision, where the large traditional corporations often dominate the market.
Once Smith’s project gained traction, he recruited a small team and began expanding his business. The project started with just a few customers, but soon Smith attracted the attention of others seeking affordable and reliable internet services. The business now employs over 60 people and has a network in parts of San Francisco, Oakland and Santa Cruz.
Net Neutrality’s success is largely due to Smith’s commitment to his customers. He regularly meets with them to address their concerns, and encourages feedback on how the service can be improved. The business’s transparency and honesty has earned them the trust of their customers who in turn have attracted others to the network.
Smith’s approach to business, characterized by innovation and dedication to customer satisfaction, highlights the role of science and technology in creating a more equal and accessible world. It shows how DIY science can challenge the status quo and disrupt the market, where big names have held power for so long.
Sometimes people underestimate the potential of their own abilities, and the story of Zachary Smith and his Net Neutrality is a reminder that with the right vision and motivation, one person can make a difference, even if it is from their garage.